Unit 1: Designing & Planning Web Pages
This unit is about creating quality websites using good color schemes, web standards for accessibility, and completing a thought-out plan for a site's target audience.
Unit 2: Creating Web Pages with HTML
This unit is about the content of webpages and thinking about the site's purpose for the best possible structure, using HTML5. We learned how to:
- input videos and links
- apply ids and classes
- connecting website pages
- make sure to write the EXACT SAME phrases relating two or more element
- understand it is a tedious process.
Unit 3: Formatting with Style Sheets
This unit is about making the webpage pretty, using CSS. It's really simple and helps from swimming through miles of code, and has a profound effect on how a website looks and feels. We learned how to apply:
- pseudo-classes
- element sizing and coloring
- flex containers
- bordering
- centering of many elements
Unit 4: Graphics
This unit taught us how to make buttons and used our previous knowledge on attaching links to these buttons. We also learned how to insert a photo gallery that has photos that fit our theme.
Unit 5: Scripting
This unit is about using Javascript to make your page more interactive and give it life. We learned how to make a clock and alert which are triggered with buttons from the last unit. I have to say, this is the most difficult part of website design and I have yet to fully understand it as much as the other units.